2015 Grateful 26

There’s nothing like falling flat on your ass to remind you of the importance of the little things in life. More than a week after the event, my world is still a series of little steps, intermingled with winces, grimaces, and more than the odd curse or three. It will take time, I know. And as patience ain’t one of my many virtues, it’s probably just as well that I live alone. There are times when my self-pitying bellyaching  annoys even me.

But despite the inconvenience and the pain, I’ve had a series of lovely days this week where everything seemed to come together. It ran the gamut from developing and delivering a successful pilot workshop on technical writing to spending a delightful ten minutes laughing out loud while reading a new line of greeting cards in Avoca.

In between I rediscovered parts of Dublin that I hadn’t seen in twenty-five years met up with an  old friend I hadn’t seen in five, and spent time connecting dots over designer beers and baked eggs. The week ended pretty much as it began – in style – at the Hungarian Derby, a great day out that has become a firm fixture on my social calendar. I think my luck has turned. Two scratch cards I bought during the week were winners both. And finally, after three years of trying, I managed to call an exacta that paid 4400 ft for my 400 bet. I won’t be going mad on the money, but the significance of this turn of fortune isn’t lost on me.

The lovely Jess Leen, in her blog, Budaful, captured it all very nicely in a post earlier this week:

A river has its course and that’s what it will run, or so we are told. But if we think way back to the beginning, is a river not just free flowing, running wherever it may well please? We have that in common, us and the river. We are born untied to direction and destined to hit a rocky route every once and a while. But despite the unknown corners we round and the constant chance of a change in course, we are, like the river, guaranteed one thing in life. That is that the load we carry will guide us to see…

Life has a way of just happening. The best laid plans of mice and men and all that… My plan has always been to have no plan, but even that, in and of itself, is a plan. What’s important is being open to opportunities. Being ready to go with the flow. Being steady enough in my faith to know that if it’s for me, it won’t pass me. Recognising those moments when life calls for an empty-handed leap into the void is a skill honed by years of error-ridden experience. Experience for which I’m truly grateful.

Yes, I’m still bitching and moaning and finding it hard to decide between sitting or standing. And yes, it’s hotter than Hades here right now and there’s a heat-induced bad mood waving at me from the horizon, but when two pigs can make me laugh out loud and winning €5 on a scratch card can make my day, what’s not to love about the world?

2 Responses

  1. What? Where? How? A fall? What did I miss? You do have a way of minimizing some things to capture and expand other roads. Hum, maybe that’s why I love you so.

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