Where’s my passion?

Or should it be what’s my passion? Finding your passion in life seems to be the key to eternal happiness. But then isn’t my goal just to be reasonably happy in this life? And blissfully happy in the herafter? So bloody confusing. I’m reading (or trying to read) The Passion Test and failing miserably. I’ve two other books on the go that promise to show me (or at least help me decide) what it is I’m meant to be doing on this Earth (suggestions, on a postcard, please) and I’m only half-way through them, too. And I’ve been having the weirdest dreams lately that have resulted in my tracking down people I’ve not seen or heard from in more than 25 years just to make sure they’re okay. WTF? And, to confuse matters even further, MI has introduced me to the joys of reading Ian Fleming’s Bond series and I’m hooked. Perhaps ’tis onset of madness…

5 responses

  1. Don’t need a postcard – we’re on this earth to help others. What the others are here for has yet to be discovered.

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