I’m due to fly tomorrow. I checked in last Wednesday. I even printed my boarding pass. And I just got an email reminding me that my flight is tomorrow and that I should ‘consider checking in’. mmmm…For a minute there I stopped and wondered if I were me or someone else but no, the codes are the same. And yes, the site says I’m checked in. But the message came from Outlook. Whew. For a minute I wondered.
In and of itself, even if it had been RyanAir, this would have been no more than a blip in the system. But in the last week or so, I know of five RyanAir flights that have been delayed. And not just delayed but planes sitting on runways for an hour or more with other in-terminal hold-ups. And this is just between Budapest and Dublin going both ways.
And just yesterday, the Indo ran a piece of a flight from Dublin to Budapest that was diverted to Bratislava, according to the Captain, but then ended up landing in Vienna – with passengers left to find their own way to BP – after midnight.
I can forgive RyanAir a lot of things. I suck up the priority boarding fee because it really is a baggage charge – the only priority you get flying from Budapest is to board a bus first – not a priority bus, not a bus that allows priority passengers to disembark first, just a bus with all the other punters. So I’m really paying for the privilege of carrying on my carryon. I can live with that.
I can forgive it the steadily deteriorating inflight service. Last flight, my hot sambo had gone cold before my luke-warm coffee arrived. But I really should have known better and eaten before I got on the plane. And given that it would appear that the cabin staff pay for their own training and bring their own food onboard, I shouldn’t be expecting stellar service.
But after years of suffering that horrendous clatter they make when their flights arrive on time or ahead of the buffered schedule, I’m beginning to miss it. I can’t believe I said that. But I hate being late. So, whassup RyanAir?
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2 responses
I’m with you on this. I’ve tended to use Ryanair over the years not because of the wooden benches but because they fly direct to Bristol. But no sooner have they come up with a reasonable idea than they change it and your hand luggage has to be a smidgeon smaller than anyone else makes or a couple of Kg lighter than any other airline requires. And mind you find the small print on the boarding pass, or you won’t know what you’ve bought. And they’ve started pestering a month beforehand to check in, reserve seats, buy more baggage . . . when you already have. A constant reminder that it’s nicer, if slower, to go by road!