Everything in one place

Bedroom: Low lights and high ceilings
Who would have thought that 4-metre-high ceilings were high enough to make a reasonably sized light seem rather small? It surprised me no end. There

Bedroom: A sleeping beauty
A bed isn’t simply a bed. It’s a refuge. Considering we spend at least a third of our life in bed, we should spend more time
A sleeping beauty
A bed isn’t simply a bed. It’s a refuge. Considering we spend at least a third of our life in bed, we should spend more time
Low lights and high ceilings
Who would have thought that 4-metre-high ceilings were high enough to make a resonably-sized light seem rather small? It surprised me no end. There I
Let there be light
After what was a dismal performance by my boys yesterday (Ireland, Rugby, Italy), despite the big scoreline, my humour has much improved. I found a
Bedroom: So ugly it’s beautiful
Every Saturday for the last five weeks, I’ve visited this antique shop near Szabadszag hid on Vámház korút. It’s one of those curious shops with

Living room: Have a seat
A few years ago, I came across a diary I had written when I was 16. The certainty of my writing left no room for
Have a seat
A few years ago, I came across a diary I had written when I was 16. The certainty of my writing left no room for

Living room: China cabinet
My mother has a china cabinet at home. I still wonder why she refers to it as the ‘china cabinet’ when there’s no china in
China cabinet
My mother has a china cabinet at home. I still wonder why she refers to it as the ‘china cabinet’ when there’s no china in

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