Massive white cross standing against a blue sky with people at base looking like insects they're so small

2024 Grateful 18: Sad Jesus

More and more often I’m asked, with some amount of incredulity, if I’m religious. Or my friends are asked that about me.

There was a time I’d dilute my answer by saying I wasn’t religious, I was spiritual. It sounded better. Less nun-like. But in truth, I didn’t get the difference.

There are many who define the difference for me, such as:

Spirituality involves a personal quest for meaning in life, while religion involves an organized entity with rituals and practices focusing on a higher power or God.

Religion and spirituality offer distinct paths to truth, with religion being more structured and faith-based, while spirituality is personal, flexible, and centered on inner growth

I’m religious. With a wing in spirituality.

I’ve great faith in St Joseph. I’m say the rosary. And my she-cave is a chapel. I go to mass on Sundays. I take communion. And I observe Lent.

Certainly, there is much I disagree with in the Catholic church. I recognise that it’s a man-made institution with all its inherent faults. Is anyone ever truly happy with any organisation they belong to? Republican? Democrat? County committee? School board? I doubt it.

I have been verbally attacked for being a card-carrying Catholic on more than one occasion, the conversation springboarding from mentioning something innocent like I couldn’t do X because I had to go to mass.

I get it.

Some people hate the church. They hate religion. They hate Catholicism in particular. If taking it out on me makes them feel better, have at it.

My religion is with my God. I can’t imagine living my life without believing, without my faith.  My life. My faith.

I know there are those on the cusp of religion looking in. Those with questions. Those who wonder at the peace faith brings even in the light of the lunacy we’re living in. If ever you want to talk, I’m here.

I follow a page on Facebook called Sad Jesus.

This post struck me…

Me: Hey God.
God: Hello, My love.
Me: The world is completely out of control!
God: I know. It’s such an adventure, right?
Me: No! It’s like being on a runaway train! I need to feel like I am in control of my life.
God: You want to be in control?
Me: Yes!
God: You are living on a spinning wet rock of a planet that resides next to a constantly exploding fireball in the middle of an ever-expanding universe that is filled with mysteries beyond your wildest imagination.
Me: Um, okay….
God: And on this planet that you are hurtling through the great expanse in – you are coexisting with billions of other people who have free-will and their own experiences that shape their perspectives and beliefs.
Me: Yeah…?
God: And while all this is going on your soul is residing in a physical body that is such a miracle of delicate engineering that at any given moment could produce its last heartbeat.
Me: Right…
God: What is it about your existence that you think you have any control of?
Me: Um…
God: Come on – you know the answer to this. What can you control?
Me: How kind I am to people?
God: Yep and one other thing.
Me: What’s that?
God: How kind you are to yourself. Aside from that – most of everything else is a bit outside of your design.
Me: This is all a bit terrifying…
God: All great adventures are!
~ John Roedel
Feel free to substitute God for whatever you please – the conversation still stands.
Am grateful for the reminder.

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