Whie rabbit with back ears and a few black spots eating a blade of grass

2024 Grateful 13: I am not a noun

My escape of choice these days is the Disney series Bones. Yes, it’s old. Yes, I’m behind the times. Still, I’m enjoying it. I’m on Series 8 of 12 so I’ve a few months to go before it’s all over.

I like that it’s based on books that were in turn based on the life of a real-life forensic anthropologist, Kathy Reichs. I like the characters and the crime and learn stuff like if you don’t put down the toilet seat (lid, too) before you flush, all sorts of bad stuff gets on your toothbrush.

That so disturbed me that I Googled it for corroboration and found this:

 According to this June 16 news article featured on CNN, “… a new computer modelling study shows how a flushing toilet can send a cloud of little particles containing fecal matter into the air — now there is a sobering thought!

One of my favourite guest characters is Stephen Fry’s Dr Gordon Wyatt. I’m a Fry fan. I love his voice. And the way he uses English.

This short clip of his closing remarks at what seems to have been a heated Munk debate on political correctness popped up my feed recently:

I’m new to these debates. This one was the first of the 10th season so I’ve lots to look forward to in catching up. You can see this particular debate on YouTube in full.

The universe is sending Fry to me via multiple channels. This quotation from Fry came through my inbox shortly after the Munk clip and it resonated:

We are not nouns, we are verbs. I am not a thing – an actor, a writer – I am a person who does things – I write, I act – and I never know what I’m going to do next. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun.
I think of the number of times I’ve heard people respond to the active question ‘What do you do?’ with a noun – I’m a doctor, I’m a teacher, I’m a translator.
Or people being described as a father of two, a stay-at-home mom, a difficult teen.
I’m making a conscious effort to de-noun myself and feel better already.
Thanks, Mr Fry. Appreciate the tip.

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